Tuesday, June 12

The New $85 Computer!

The computer industry is constantly producing faster, smaller, cooler machines in an attempt to get you to shell out big bucks. And while some people are willing (and able) to pay upwards of $1,000 for a PC, what about the rest of us? Do we really need, or want, all of the the bells and whistles crammed into today's PCs? I don't know about you, but in an average month I probably use less than half of the applications my computer is capable of.

The average consumer spends around $741 on a personal computer today - signifigantly less than the $912 we spent three years ago according to the Consumer Electronics Association. Surprising, considering advances in technology mean new PCs have more processing power, memory and other features than ever before.

Truth be told, most consumers don't really need to upgrade. A bare-bones computer suits them just fine - and they can now get one for as little as $85.

That unbelievable price is is for Norhtec's Microclient JrSX, a desktop PC the size of a large novel. Now, the Microclient is not a hugely powerful PC; it has only 128 megabytes of RAM and a 300-megahertz processor. It does not come with the extras - like a keyboard or monitor (although these items can be purchased fairly cheaply on sites like Amazon.com) and instead of a hard drive, it's designed to store data on flash cards.

Interested? You can get more information and purchase one on the Norhtec website.

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