Thursday, October 11

Check Out Google's New 411 Service!

It might be time to lug that stack of phone books you just received to the trash can! Check out Google 411 and then decide.

1-800-GOOG-411, Google's new 411 service is totally FREE, fast and easy to use. Give it a try now and see how simple it is to find and connect with local businesses for free. I love it, it's awesome with a hand-free Bluetooth system.

Tip: Always use categories, never business names.

If you decide to throw your phone books out in favor of GOOG-411, opt-out and never have to lug or store another bulky phone book again? Below are the numbers to call for the major distributors of phone books and yellow pages. Call the numbers and tell them you want to opt-out of delivery - it only takes a few minutes.

AT&T/YellowPages (formerly SBC):
(800) 792.2665

(888) 266.5965

Yellow Book:
(800) 373.3280 or (800) 373.2324

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